Friday, October 22, 2010

Oedipus - finished: New tragedy project!

This week, we finished Oedipus and were introduced to a new project. The project is, essentially, our own concept of what a true tragedy is. Throughout this project, we are also going to be studying what we believe makes a tragedy most effective. I read a few articles during class today and decided that I thought theatre and film were the most effective mediums when it comes to the realistic portrayal of tragedy. In my own experience, watching a well performed live theatrical piece is the closest thing to real life. You are there as an audience member, in 3d, watching another human being portray something - emotion comes through fantastically on the stage.

Another one of my classmates (Leigh) pointed out that film can capture very subtle details, which I agree with.

I look forward to delving into this project and thought process more deeply!

1 comment:

Gavo said...

I agree with your idea that theater really conveys tragedy well. The raw emotions of actors, right in front of you, without editing, cuts, and special effects really connects you to a character and generally lets you sympathize with them.